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Tag: second coming of Jesus Christ

Tag: second coming of Jesus Christ

Democracy is the “clay” in Daniel 2 (book excerpt)

Hippolytus (AD 170–235), an early church theologian in Rome, understood Daniel’s prophecies about the clay component or element in the feet and toes of the fourth kingdom [consisting of iron and clay, Daniel 2:32–33, 40–43]. In the third century, even during a time when emperors ruled the Roman Empire with iron authority, he confidently wrote

Bible prophecy is “history prewritten”

Book excerpt below from Chapter 3 entitled: The Fourth Beast Is Different From The Other Three Kingdoms (The Last and Worst): Roman Violence and Domination to the End As described in Daniel 7, the conquering power and domination of the Roman Empire will be “dreadful and terrible” (KJV) or, in the words of the NIV,