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Tag: second coming of Christ

Tag: second coming of Christ

The Certain Return of Jesus Christ (book excerpt)

  I say the [certain] return of Jesus Christ because the New Testament speaks with certainty about His return. Consider the following verses for example: . . . John 14:2–3 KJV; Acts 1:11 KJV; [and] Hebrews 9:28 KJV. . .. [I especially like Acts 1:11 KJV, which emphatically reads (in part): “. . . [T]his

The mystery of lawlessness (book excerpt)

  “For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way” (2 Thessalonians 2:7 NIV). Lawlessness is evil . . .. Lawlessness is the work of Satan, even as righteousness is the work of

Monarchy is the “iron” in Daniel 2 (book excerpt)

  We now further examine the meanings of the symbols of iron and clay located in the feet and toes of the human-shaped statue described in Daniel 2. Concerning the meaning of the “iron,” Bishop writes in 1886 that: “Iron is the character of Rome. The crown of Charlemagne was iron. The crown of Charles