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Category: Blog

Paul in Athens: A Historical Message for Today (book excerpt)

“Consider the passage from the book of Acts 17:24–27 (KJV), where the apostle Paul uses prophecy (God’s predetermined plan . . . ) to witness to a group of Greek skeptics at a meeting of the Areopagus in Athens. Paul is clear that our God is the Creator of heaven and earth (Acts 17:24 KJV).


List of Illustrations[1] Figure 1 Babylonia and Medo-Persia about 600 BC[2] Figure 2 Cyrus Cylinder[3] Figure 3 Persian Empire under Darius about 500 BC with Principal Satrapies[4] Figure 4 Alexander’s Greek Empire 323 BC[5] Figure 5 Divided Greek Kingdoms after Alexander 301 BC[6] Figure 6 Arch of Titus, Rome[7] Figure 7 Roman Empire AD 117


  List of Illustrations Acknowledgments Introduction An Aerial View Main Ideas in each Chapter God Reveals the End at the Beginning The Sign of Jonah Testifying in the Roman World His Certain Return Chapter 1 Four Gentile Kingdoms: King Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream and Daniel’s Interpretation (Four and No More) Chapter 2 Daniel’s Dream of Four Great

Overview of my book

  Written from my Christian, dispensational, premillennial viewpoint, this study of Bible prophecy (eschatology) and history: (1) focuses on the continuing existence of the Roman Empire, the fourth kingdom in chapters 2 and 7 of the book of Daniel, which is both a separate gentile kingdom as well as a beastly amalgamation of the three

Bible prophecy is “history prewritten”

Book excerpt below from Chapter 3 entitled: The Fourth Beast Is Different From The Other Three Kingdoms (The Last and Worst): Roman Violence and Domination to the End As described in Daniel 7, the conquering power and domination of the Roman Empire will be “dreadful and terrible” (KJV) or, in the words of the NIV,


Special thanks and appreciation to all my family members, friends, and mentors who encouraged me to write this book, who reviewed and provided helpful feedback on my manuscript, and who provided written reviews, comments, and congratulations that are included in the front section of my book and quoted below with gratitude. Thank you! “Melvin Hawkins